Raw Vegetable Slow Juice Recipes

The following recipes will yield approximately 1 litre ( 2 pints ) of juice using a Hurom slow juicer. Your yields will depend on the brand of slow juicer, vegetable supplier, freshness and storage so experiment and adjust the amounts to suit.

Beetroot, Carrot, Apple, Ginger


Add more carrots and apples as needed

Red Cabbage, Carrot, Apple, Cumin


Add more carrots and apples as needed

Spinach, Carrot, Apple, Cucumber


Add more carrots and apples as needed

Food Health & Safety

Please be careful when raw juicing for others especially those with compromised immune systems.

Tips & Tricks

Gluten Free Buckwheat Breakfast

Ingredients (per person)

Adjust cinnamon and ginger to suit

Evening Preparation

Wash your soaked buckwheat to remove the cloudy water
Wash again after boiling to remove any pinkish foamy residue


Sprinkle LSA and add juice as needed with grated fruit