The following recipes will yield approximately 1 litre ( 2 pints ) of juice using a Hurom slow juicer. Your yields will depend on the brand of slow juicer, vegetable supplier, freshness and storage so experiment and adjust the amounts to suit.
Beetroot, Carrot, Apple, Ginger
- 2 large beetroots
- 4 large organic juicing carrots
- 2 large organic apples
- 1 cube fresh ginger
Add more carrots and apples as needed
Red Cabbage, Carrot, Apple, Cumin
- ¼ medium red cabbage
- 5 large organic juicing carrots
- 3 large organic apples
- 1 pinch cumin powder
Add more carrots and apples as needed
Spinach, Carrot, Apple, Cucumber
- 1 large bag spinach
- 4 large organic juicing carrots
- 3 large organic apples
- ¼ medium telegraph cucumber
Add more carrots and apples as needed
Food Health & Safety
Please be careful when raw juicing for others especially those with compromised immune systems.
- Wash your hands and watch your personal hygiene
- Refrigerate your vegetables
- Keep your juicing area and juicer clean
Tips & Tricks
- Wash, top, tail & peel your vegetables, core your apples
- Chop your ingredients to fit easily into your feeder
- Alternate different ingredients to reduce clogging
- Use salt to absorb beetroot stains

Recommended Juicer
Hurom Slow Juicer Series
Easy to use, easy to clean
Gluten Free Buckwheat Breakfast
Ingredients (per person)
- 1 palm whole grain buckwheat
- 1 palm cranberries
- 1 palm dates
- 1 shake cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 1 cube fresh ginger
- ¼ cup juice
Adjust cinnamon and ginger to suit
Evening Preparation
- Rinse your buckwheat
- Soak your buckwheat in 2 x water for at least an hour
- Drain and wash your soaked buckwheat
- Boil in 2 x water until top water is no longer visible
- Remove heat and leave to soak for a couple of minutes
- Drain and wash your boiled buckwheat throughly
- Add cinnamon and vanilla essence
- Add cranberries, chopped dates and grated ginger
- Leave soaking in juice over night
Wash your soaked buckwheat to remove the cloudy water
Wash again after boiling to remove any pinkish foamy residue
- 1 medium grated apple or pear
- 1-2 tablespoons LSA (linseed / sunflower / almond)
- ⅛ cup juice
Sprinkle LSA and add juice as needed with grated fruit